Create questions and answwers with the words in brackets. 1. (you/ do your homework?) — (+) (I/ just/ finish) 2. (your brother/ play/computer…

02 ноября 2023

Create questions and answwers with the words in brackets. 1. (you/ do your homework?) — (+) (I/ just/ finish) 2. (your brother/ play/computer games/ now?) — (-) (he/ read/ a detective story)

категория: английский язык


1. Have you done your homework? Yes, I have. I've just finished.2. Is your brother playing computer games now? No, he is not. He is reading a detective story.3. What are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to visit my granny.4. Do they go to school on Saturdays? Yes, they do. They have five lessons.5. Did the students take part in the competition yesterday? Yes, the did. They won the competition.

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