Надо дополнить вопросы 1. Your brother goes to Chess Club, _______________? 2. Ann can ski veery well, _____________? 3. You…

16 октября 2023

Надо дополнить вопросы 1. Your brother goes to Chess Club, _______________? 2. Ann can ski veery well, _____________? 3. You didn't visit Paris last year, _________________? 4. This boy is our new classmat, _________________? 5. Her classmates weren't in the zoo last month, ______________? 6. We won't play tennis at the weekend, __________________? 7. Our class will go the museum tomorrow, _________________? 8. The film was great, ____________________?

категория: английский язык


1. Your brother goes to Chess Club, doesn't he? 2. Ann can ski very well, can't she? 3. You didn't visit Paris last year, did you? 4. This boy is our new classmate, isn't he? 5. Her classmates weren't in the zoo last month, were they? 6. We won't play tennis at the weekend, will they? 7. Our class will go the museum tomorrow, won't it? 8. The film was great, wsn't it?

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