Помогите пожалуйста переделать предложения в пассив 1) You must divide your report into three chapters.…

20 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста переделать предложения в пассив 1) You must divide your report into three chapters. 2) She told the inspector about the robbery. 3) Myfather was painting the walls yesterday at 7 o'clock. 4) The fire has caused considerable damage. 5) You will receive the paper tomorrow. 6) She didn't send me any parcels. 7) How much did they pay you?

категория: английский язык


1) You must divide your report into three chapters. — Your report must be divided into 3 chapters 2) She told the inspector about the robbery. — The inspector was told by her about the robbery 3) My father was painting the walls yesterday at 7 o'clock. — The walls were being painted by my farther yesterday at 7 o'clock 4) The fire has caused considerable damage. — Considerable damage has been caused by fire 5) You will receive the paper tomorrow. — The paper will be recieved by you tomorrow 6) She didn't send me any parcels. — Parcels were not sent by her 7) How much did they pay you? — How much were you paid?

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