Вставьте в предложения вместо пропусков правильные слова.1.a lot of people prefer to … a flat…

06 сентября 2023

Вставьте в предложения вместо пропусков правильные слова.1.a lot of people prefer to … a flat instead of buying their own.2. tea and coffee was … by the hotel , so we did not have to go down to the restaurant3. there was no … bathroom , which was a big disadvantage. we won,t stay in that hotel again4. all kinds of … in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer.5. he found a job in another city and … his house for two years6. Jane can … . a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years.7. Ann is in difficult situation. she will have to borrow money to pay all her… 8.do not … . the student for losing the book. it has been found and returned.

категория: английский язык


1) rent — не совсем уверен что rent подходит, т.к. это арендовать 2) offered3) я бы вообще ничего не вписывал 4) accommodation 5) left, возможно что и past perfect cont, но как то странно получается 6) miss 7) purchases8) ask

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